Monday 22 May 2023



Worms Hill is a small village near Maidstone in Kent on the top of the North Downs with a small population of just 200. It's a place where time has stood still and the fields and hedges remain as they were under the reign of Elizabeth the first 500 years ago. The village sits within the Kent Downs an area of outstanding beauty, to the North West of the village lies Bickner and to the east is Frinsted village. There are three farms in the village, Yew Tree farm a dairy farm, Norwood Farm a working fruit farm and Home farm which is no longer a working Farm. The Blacksmiths arms is the local village pub and dates back to the 17th century.  The village is mentioned in the Doomsday Book of 1086 as Godselle `Gods Hill',  but the village is much older and derives it's name from Woden.  All the Jute Kings of Kent worshipped here when it was called Wodens Hill. The whole village is a site of mystery and undoubtedly a meeting point of powerful leys, which you feel as you enter the village.

The village stands on an elevated and exposed part of the North Downs and when I first got there I couldn't understand what was special about this village until I walked to St Giles Church and the Ash tree opposite the church that hundreds of Heathens visit every year to worship at. The view is out of this world, its amazing you have to go there to see what I am talking about on a clear day. 

St Giles church

Trees hold a particular role in all heathen systems and mythology's both as individual trees or sacred groves dedicated to one of the gods. Tacitus stated in his writings that the Germans worshiped in groves of trees not temples . I believe St Giles was built on site of where the Jutes would make sacrifices to Wodin and was part of a sacred grove. The Jutes like the Vikings worshipped their Gods in sacred woods or groves. We know Brian Bora the king of Ireland burned a grove dedicated to Thor called Coill Tomair outside Dublin that was so large it burnt for a month. The destruction of the sacred grove on Wodens hill and building a church there is another example of Catholic Church stealing our holy sites  trying  and destroy our culture. Sacrifices have always been an important part in the worship of Woden and in 1968 a notorious man in occult circles Johnny Stewart of the Anglo Saxon Church of Woden was caught killing a horse with an axe in nearby Trundle woods as a sacrifice to Woden.

Trundle wood lies north west of the village, in 1994 ancient flint tools dating back to the stone age were found in Trundle woods The woods are not well known but Trundle Woods has its own Occult and secret history. The Jutes worshipped Woden in this wood which once stretched back to St Giles Church and beyond and made up part of the sacred grove. The association between trees and the supernatural has proven to be deep rooted many still believe this wood to be inhabited with earth spirits. On November Solstice secret occult society's still gather in Trundle to worship Woden and show honour to the earth spirits. As Wodens stock his Kin we need to adopt our lives to the rhythms of the seasons the Wind and Rain, Sun and Moon we need to take time to honour him and the Earth Spirits. 

Wodens Hill is now a forgotten occult site soaked in folk lore and linked with the Germanic wisdom of the Jutes .But to the Jutes it was Wodens hill, it was the dwelling place of Woden it was here his spirit lived, apart from Wodin it was home to the Nine. The Waelcyrges  (Valkyries) the sharped toothed maidens who serve woden. I  hope after reading this post your be inspired by the Hills fascinating myth and history to visit this mysterious hill in Kent and fill it power for yourself.   

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FYR: FEO: 7 The troth of Freyr is a heathen system in which wisdom and understanding are sought it is therefore a system of a spiritual scie...