Sunday 23 April 2023



In England which is one of the  richest nations on Earth, Rushi and the Tory's are building HS2 a high speed rail project to link the North with London. This 50 Billion Rail project is a prime example of the lack of respect and understanding our leaders really have for Nature. The first stage of HS2 is the London to Birmingham, the government claimed woodland on the route would be protected. Yet on this first stage of HS2, 32 ancient woods were destroyed and a further 29 were badly damaged. The Woodland Trust claim a further 23 woods could be destroyed bring the number to 72. While the Tory Party continue to lie to cover up the destruction, Environmental groups have evidence a further 108 woods are under threat of total destruction or damage as the project moves to stage two of its construction. Most of these woods can be found on maps printed before Elizabeth 1, was on the throne and are vital habitat for Animals, Birds, Bats, Moths and Butterfly's. In Cubbington Woods near Leamington Spa, there used to be a wild Pear tree the largest in England,  it was young during the French Revolution, last year I was told it had been cut down by HS2 contractors. Trees like this are part of our nations heritage, a natural equivalent to St Paul's cathedral, they are living historical monuments that must be protected.   The Tory Party and Billionaires funding HS2 supported by certain Charity's who earn millions from their Re-forestation work, justify the Old Oaks and woods being destroyed by speaking about the new trees being planted to off set the loss of the older trees. It's like the actors and celebrity's who claim to be Green Friendly like Emma Thompson and Elton John, who fly ever where and make no real effort to live a better life. Then use some of their millions to buy a few year old saplings and some one on a minimum wage to plant them, to offset their carbon foot print. It's fake, It's lies, It's something that has to stop. A thousand young trees will not support the insect life that a hundred year Oak does, they will not feed the Birds nor store the Carbon. To save the Earth we need to save the old woods of England. The people concerned with getting to Birmingham 20 minutes quicker, don't care about nature, will never understand our mindset. We see a Oak that took 200 years to mature  as a wonder a treasure they see a tree. We must all do our bit to educate our workmates, friends and family, about the importance of old Woods. Since the 1930's England has lost half of it's Woodland, this destruction must stop.   

Note: If you love England, then why are you not involved in Freyr Troth ?    

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FYR: FEO: 7 The troth of Freyr is a heathen system in which wisdom and understanding are sought it is therefore a system of a spiritual scie...