Tuesday 27 June 2023



When Sant Balbir Singh Seechewal was a boy the kali Bein River in India's Punjab region was a beautiful 99 mile tributary of the Beas River full of life and coursing clear water. But beginning around 1960 the combination of population growth and industrialization in Doaba took a heavy toll on the river. Six towns and some 40 villages discharged their sewage and industrial waste into it, and long stretches were reduced to a sludge of thick and toxic filth. Some parts were dried up all together. 

The people living near the river were suffering as a result. Neighbouring farms were enduring severe water shortages. Upstream regions experienced debilitating water logging since the river was no longer draining those lands. The infected effluents, including poisonous chemical waste, were seeping into groundwater reservoirs and causing lethal diseases such as cancer among the Punjab people.

That was the situation in the river in the year 2000 when Seechewal set his sights on the fetid mess that had once been the abundant Kali Bein. Seechewal envisioned the river in it's former glory, sparkling and bountiful. He longed to see it restored to that state. After failing to convince government and municipal bodies to take action, 38 year old Seechewal decided he would devote his life to rejuvenating the river. 

Seechewal began traveling up and down the kali Bein, visiting the towns and villages that were suffering from the polluted river-and were polluting it. He spoke with any one who would listen about the need to revive it and sharing his vision of a clean river. His basic message was: If we work on this together our river can be beautiful, abundant and vibrant once again. 

Some individuals responded to the message right away. People from several villages volunteered to help Seechewal and started raising money to buy sickles, spades and other tools and cleaning equipment. In a short time, he and these volunteers were down in the mud and muck, hard at work.

The team was small and scale of the project was colossal, but Seechewal was not discouraged. undeterred by the mammoth task ahead with his bare hands he started pulling out the weeds and clearing the garbage from the slushy river bed. As the years went by , more and more individuals saw the progress and volunteered to help. Eventually thousands of people were assisting in the great clean up. As they cleared a section of riverbed, natural springs revived. The water rose, filling the riverbanks.

And their work didn't stop with cleaning the riverbed their built embankments and brick sidewalks. Stairways for access to the river, fruit trees and flowering plants. They transformed all 99 miles of the river of this sludgy trickle of filth and trash into a healthy river, the ground water improved and water logging problems solved, underground sewerage system was built. 

What this story shows is how one single man can achieve great things if he has belief. It should also act as example of how nothing is impossible. We face a huge battle to win the English people back to its true roots and true faith. But this story shows how re-birth of Heathenism in England is possible if we work hard enough if we go in to our villages and community's and spread the message of Freyr. If Seechewal can save a river from death, we can save England from it's death !         

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