Monday 3 July 2023



`In 1900 there was six trillion trees on our planet, today there is three trillion trees'

When Cop 26  ended it proved to be everything I expected. On it's eve Prince Charles conservation charity was exposed for accepting money from Aramco the biggest fossil fuel company in the world that has produced almost 5% of world wide greenhouse emissions since 1965. The Princes charity had also we discovered been taking donations from Yury Shamara Chairman of Ilsky oil refinery, a processing plant on the Black sea, and Baron Dornemisza chief executive of a gas and oil exploration company. Why the Prince had accepted funds from such people is a question he has not addressed but it seems strange when he lectures us all about the climate.

  Do you remember how the Worlds elite and other VIP's  arrived in 400 private jets, but it didn't include the Chinese. who are the worlds biggest polluter creating 25% of global carbon emission's. While many countries emission's are coming down China's are going up. China is facing dire energy crisis, blackouts and factory shutdowns since covid  have followed rising power demands, triggered by resurgent global economy, combined with severe floods in it's coal producing regions of Shanxi and Henan. In response China has been increasing its coal production which undermined what ever Cop 26 achieved.

After hundreds of speeches by the Worlds leaders about the climate most of which were designed to terrify the public and which we have all heard before. Prince Charles in his speech warned us Red Squirrel would be extinct by 2016, yet a few years ago he said they are growing in number again. Other speakers told us Artic would melt in next five years unless action is took forgetting they told us same thing five years ago.  The worlds elite agreed to contribute 100 billion to save the world. In 2009 they promised 100 billion a year for decarbonisation, the promise was not kept.   

Most of the 100 billion promised would be given in Loans to African country's who would find themselves in debt to the bankers even further forced to pay huge interest on loans or allowing the bankers to plunder their natural recourses. The other big joke is the loop hole in the Carbon Market which will allow rich countries to buy and sell credits to off set pollution footprint. and provide Prince Charles and the Bankers behind the green Bonds in the Carbon market millions in profits. Boris after Cop 26 left Glasgow in a private jet and flew back to London to have dinner at the Garrick Club . You couldn't make it up.  

So it came as no surprise for me to learn this week that the UK is no longer a World leader on climate, the government watch body the climate change committee (CCC) announced last Thursday that the UK is n  longer reaching it's targets for cutting carbon emissions. Those in power don't care about the planet only in passing laws to enslave us and in lining their own pockets. it doesn't matter which party is in power they are all the same. Only way now is to create a different  power structure built around our faith.

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